Panaroma Next-Gen NIPT in Dubai

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    Get panorama Next-Gen NIPT at affordable cost.

    Panorama NIPT Standard AED 2200/-

    • The only NIPT which uses SNP*-based technology
    • Delivers the most accurate NIPT report
    • Test result with in 10-12 days
    • Can be tested at earliest as 9 weeks.
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    Panorama NIPT Standard + 22q11.2 deletion AED 2500/-

    The Most advanced, only SNP-based NIPT delivers more insights and greater accuracy

    • The only NIPT which uses SNP*-based technology
    • Delivers the most accurate NIPT report
    • Test result with in 10-12 days
    • Can be tested at earliest as 9 weeks.
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    Panorama NIPT Standard + all 5 microdeletions AED 3500/-

    The Most advanced, only SNP-based NIPT delivers more insights and greater accuracy

    • The only NIPT which uses SNP*-based technology
    • Delivers the most accurate NIPT report
    • Test result with in 10-12 days
    • Can be tested at earliest as 9 weeks.
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    Singleton Pregnancy

    Test Parameterspanorama NIPT Standerd AED 2200/-panorama NIPT Standerd + 22q11.2 deletion AED 2500/-panorama NIPT Standerd + all 5 microdeletions AED 3500/-
    Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)✔✔✔
    Edward Syndrome (trisomy 18)✔✔✔
    Patau Syndrome (trisomy 13)✔✔✔
    Turner syndrome (monosomy X)✔✔✔
    XXX syndrome (47,XXX)✔✔✔
    Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY)✔✔✔
    Jacobs syndrome (47,XYY)✔✔✔
    Fetus Gender✔✔✔
    DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion)✖✔✔
    1p36 deletion syndrome (1p36 deletion)✖✖✔
    Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome/4p- syndrome (4p16.3 deletion)✖✖✔
    Cri-du-Chat syndrome/5p- syndrome (5p15.2 deletion )✖✖✔
    Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes (15q11.2-q13 deletion)✖✖✔

    Twin Pregnancy

    Test ParametersNon identical twins Standerd AED 2,200/-Identical twins Standerd AED 2,200/-Identical twins Standerd + 22q11.2 deletion AED 2500/-
    Identical or Fraternal Twins✔✔✔
    Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)✔✔✔
    Edward Syndrome (trisomy 18)✔✔✔
    Patau Syndrome (trisomy 13)✔✔✔
    Fetus Gender✔✔✔
    Turner syndrome (monosomy X)✖✔✔
    XXX syndrome (47,XXX)✖✔✔
    Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY)✖✔✔
    Jacobs syndrome (47,XYY)✖✔✔
    DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2 deletion)✖✖✔

    Egg donor or Surrogate pregnancies

    Test ParametersPanorama NIPT Standerd AED 2,200/-
    Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)✔
    Edward Syndrome (trisomy 18)✔
    Patau Syndrome (trisomy 13)✔
    Fetus Gender✔

    Panorama Next-Gen NIPT

    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

    Panorama is a blood-based genetic, prenatal screening test of the pregnant mom that screens for common chromosomal conditions that affect a baby’s health. Panorama uses unique SNP*-based technology to deliver the most accurate NIPT on the market.

    Panorama can be performed as early as nine weeks gestation. Most results will be returned to you with in 10 – 15 calendar days.

    The only SNP-based NIPT delivers more insights and greater accuracy

    Panorama Next-Gen NIPT is:

    • the most rigorously validated NIPT
    • the only NIPT that distinguishes mother’s DNA from baby’s DNA
    • the approach that creates unique, clinically validated capabilities
    • Panorama evaluates SNPs— the 1% of our DNA that makes us different from one another

    A Trusted Resource

    • Validated in SMART, the largest prospective NIPT study with over 20,000 participants enrolled.
    • More than 2 million women in more than 60 countries have chosen Panorama for genetic testing during pregnancy.
    • Panorama has been evaluated in 23 peer-reviewed publications and in more than 1.3 million pregnancies.
    • Panorama Next-Gen NIPT offers complimentary pre- and post-test information sessions with board-certified genetic counselors.
    • Panorama poses no risk to the baby compared to amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).

    See more with Panorama AI:

    • The #1 NIPT is now powered by Artificial Intelligence
    • Panorama AI leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to learn from more than 2 million tests already processed by Natera.
    • Panorama AI combines AI with Natera’s proprietary SNP-based methodology to give highly accurate results on difficult-to-call cases.
    • Maintaining industry-leading accuracy while significantly lowering “no-call” rates1
    • Improved accuracy for 22q11.2 deletion detection2

    Reporting sex of the baby

    Among commercially available NIPTs, Panorama has the highest published accuracy in determining the sex of the baby. Panorama’s ability to analyze SNPs unique to the Y chromosome and to detect the presence of vanishing twin pregnancies helps to overcome causes of inaccurate reporting of fetal sex common with other technologies.

    If the mother is a known carrier of a genetic condition, or if there is a known family history of an x-linked condition, (for example, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) determination of the baby’s sex by NIPT can help determine the need for further diagnostic testing in the pregnancy.

    Why choose Panorama for fetal genetic testing?

    Clinical advantages of genetic testing for pregnancy:
      • Panorama detects conditions that other tests cannot, including molar pregnancy, triploidy and vanishing twin.4
      • Panorama screens for Down syndrome with an accuracy rate greater than 99%.1,5-7
      • Panorama is the only test that differentiates between maternal and fetal DNA, which helps avoid false positives and false negatives.1,5-9
      • Panorama is the only NIPT that can assess zygosity, individual fetal sex, and individual fetal fraction* in twin pregnancies.10
      • Panorama has the highest sensitivity for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, a common and potentially severe microdeletion that impacts pregnancies equally regardless of maternal age.2
      • Panorama can be performed for singleton, twin, egg donor, and surrogate pregnancies.9
    *For dizygotic twins only

    Panorama’s SNP-enabled capabilities make every result matter

    Vanishing twin detection4

    Recognized by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) as a major cause of NIPT false positives8

    Maternal X mosaicism detection11

    As women age, mosaicism for a missing X chromosome becomes more common, and is another ACOG-recognized major cause of error in NIPT8

    Triploidy detection4

    As stated in ACOG practice bulletin 226, SNP-based NIPT (Panorama) is the only non-invasive method that can identify triploidy8

    Clinically validated differentiation for twin pregnancies

    Zygosity detection10

    Recognized by the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD) as an important element in evaluating NIPT results for twins12

    Individual fetal fraction for dizygotic twins10,13

    An important metric necessary to interpret the reliability of NIPT results, ACOG recognizes that, without this measurement, aneuploidy could go undetected if the affected twin has low fetal fraction8

    Individual fetal sex10

    With zero fetal sex errors in published validation studies for both singletons and twins, patients and clinicians can have confidence in Panorama results5-7,10

    Other conditions screened9

    Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, Sex chromosome trisomies (reported when seen)*, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (optional at additional cost)*,
    *Identical twins only

    Panorama can help clinicians triage twin pregnancies effectively10,14-18

    Panorama identified monozygotic twins with >99% sensitivity and specificity in a validation study.

    While chorionicity can be reliably detected early in pregnancy, studies have shown that up to 19% of monochorionic pregnancies are incorrectly classified as dichorionic. Panorama allows clinicians to align their ultrasound findings with an early and accurate zygosity determination.

    • Identifying a monozygotic twin pregnancy with Panorama can prompt earlier, targeted ultrasound assessments for chorionicity and associated complications.
    • Knowing that a twin pregnancy is dizygotic reduces healthcare providers’ and patients’ concerns about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).

    Pregnancy management of twins is highly influenced by chorionicity; as such, Panorama’s zygosity determination can help healthcare providers determine an appropriate management plan.

    Conditions Screened For

    Panorama screens for common genetic conditions that are caused by extra or missing chromosomes in the baby’s DNA. Because Panorama uses a unique technology to truly distinguish between the mother’s and the baby’s DNA, it is the only NIPT that tests for triploidy, and it has the highest accuracy in determining the sex of the baby (optional). Some conditions, such as Down syndrome, are caused by extra copies of a specific chromosome. Others, such as microdeletions, occur when a chromosome is missing a small piece of genetic information. Microdeletions affect pregnancies equally, regardless of maternal age.


    Babies with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21 and have intellectual disabilities that range from mild to severe. Children with Down syndrome will need extra medical care depending on the child’s specific health problems. Early intervention has allowed many individuals with Down syndrome to lead healthy and productive lives. The presence of medical conditions, like heart defects, can affect the lifespan in these children and adults; however, most individuals with Down syndrome will live into their 60s. Miscarriage occurs in about 30% of pregnancies with Down syndrome while overall about 1 in 700 babies are born with Down syndrome.
    Babies with trisomy 18 have three copies of chromosome 18 and have severe intellectual disabilities and birth defects typically involving the heart, brain, and kidneys. Babies with trisomy 18 can also have visible birth defects such as an opening in the lip (cleft lip) with or without an opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate), a small head, clubbed feet, underdeveloped fingers, and toes, and a small jaw. Unfortunately, most pregnancies with trisomy 18 will miscarry. If born alive, most affected babies with trisomy 18 will pass away within the first few weeks of life. About 10 percent survive to their first birthday. Trisomy 18 occurs in approximately 1 in 3,000 live births.
    Babies with trisomy 13 have three copies of chromosome 13 and have severe intellectual disabilities. They often have birth defects involving the heart, brain, and kidneys. Visible abnormalities include extra fingers and/or toes or an opening in the lip, with or without an opening in the palate. Given the severe disabilities, most pregnancies affected by trisomy 13 will miscarry. If born alive, most affected babies with trisomy 13 will pass away within the first few weeks of life. About 10 percent survive to their first birthday. Trisomy 13 occurs in approximately 1 in 5,000 live births.


    Babies with monosomy X are females who have one X chromosome instead of two. Unfortunately, a high proportion of pregnancies with monosomy X will result in a miscarriage in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. Babies with monosomy X that make it to term may have heart defects, learning difficulties, and infertility. In most cases, girls with monosomy X will need extra medical care including hormone therapy at various stages of life.
    Boys with Klinefelter syndrome have an extra X chromosome (XXY). This condition can be associated with learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Men with Klinefelter syndrome may be infertile. About 1 in 1,000 babies will be born with Klinefelter syndrome.
    Girls with Triple X syndrome have an extra X chromosome (XXX). Girls with this condition may be taller than average and may experience learning difficulties or behavioral problems. Approximately 1 in 800 girls will be born with an extra X chromosome.
    Boys with Jacob’s syndrome have an extra Y chromosome (XYY). Most babies with XYY syndrome do not have any birth defects. Boys with XYY may be taller than average and have an increased risk for learning, speech, and behavioral problems. Approximately 1 in 650 boys will be born with an extra Y chromosome.


    22q11.2 deletion syndrome, also called DiGeorge syndrome or Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome (VCFS), is caused by a missing piece of chromosome number 22. About one in every 2,000 babies is born with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. The majority of children with this disorder have heart defects, immune system problems, and specific facial features. Most children with 22q.11.2 deletion syndrome have mild-to-moderate intellectual disability and speech delays; some will also have low calcium levels, kidney problems, feeding problems, and/or seizures. About one in five children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome have autism spectrum disorder; 1 in 4 adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome have a psychiatric illness, like schizophrenia.
    Prader-Willi syndrome occurs when either a small piece of chromosome 15 is missing or when both copies of chromosome 15 come from the same parent (called uniparental disomy, or UPD). Babies with Prader-Willi syndrome have low muscle tone and problems with growth and feeding. Children with Prader-Willi syndrome have delayed milestones, short stature, rapid weight gain leading to obesity, and intellectual disability. About 1 in 10,000 babies are born with Prader-Willi syndrome.
    Angelman syndrome happens when either a small piece of chromosome 15 is missing, or when both copies of chromosome 15 come from the same parent (called uniparental disomy, or UPD). About 1 in 12,000 babies are born with Angelman syndrome. Babies and children with Angelman syndrome have severe intellectual disability, delayed milestones, seizures, and problems with balance and walking.
    1p36 deletion syndrome, also referred to as Monosomy 1p36 syndrome is caused by a missing piece of chromosome 1. Children with 1p36 deletion syndrome have intellectual disabilities. Most have heart defects and weak muscle tone. About half of affected individuals have seizures (epilepsy), behavioral problems, and hearing loss. Some children with 1p36 deletion syndrome also have vision problems or additional birth defects of other organs. About 1 in 5,000 newborn babies has 1p36 deletion syndrome.
    A missing piece of chromosome 5 causes Cri-du-chat syndrome, also called 5p- (5p minus) syndrome. The name “Cri-du-chat” was given to this syndrome due to the high-pitched, cat-like cry that babies with this syndrome often make. Babies with Cri-du-chat syndrome typically have low birth weight, a small head size, and weak muscle tone. Feeding and breathing problems are common in infancy. Children with this disorder have moderate-to-severe intellectual disability, including speech and language delays. They may also have growth delays, behavior problems, and some have curvature of the spine (scoliosis). About one in every 20,000 babies is born with Cri-du-chat syndrome. They may also have heart defects, growth delay, behavior problems and some have curvature of the spine.

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