Basic Health Check up Package
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The joy of happy family comes with Good Health and Proper Care.
Tests covered under Basic Health Check up package (62 Tests):
CBC (15)
- Total WBC count
- Neutrophils Percentage
- Lymphocytes Percentage
- Monocytes Percentage
- Eosinophils Percentage
- Basophils Percentage
- Total RBC
- Hemoglobin
- Packed Cell Volume
- Mean Corpusculor Volume
- Mean Corpusculor Hemoglobin
- Mean Corpusculor Hemoglobin Concentration
- Red Cell Distribution Width
- Mean Platelet Volume
- Platelet Count
FBS (1)
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Total Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- VLDL Cholesterol
- HDL / LDL Ratio
- TC / HDL Ratio
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Bilirubin Direct
- Bilirubin Total
- Bilirubin Indirect
- Protein Total
- Serum Albumin
- Serum Globulin
- Gamma Glutyl Transferase
- Albumin / Globulin Ratio
- Blood Urea
- Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Serum Creatinine
- Uric Acid
- BUN Creatinine Ratio
- Color, Urine
- Reaction (pH), Urine
- Specific Gravity
- Transparency
- Proteins
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Bilirubin
- Blood
- Urobilinogen
- Nitrate, Urine
- Leukocytes
- Pus Cells
- Red Blood Cells
- Epithelial Cells
- Bacteria
- Yeast Cells
- Casts
- Crystals
- Mucus Strands
- Amorphous Urates
- Amorphous Phosphates
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Do I need the Basic Health Check up Package?
Our lives are hectic and we don’t have the time to get sick. STOP the problem even before it starts. Get yourself checked once every 6 months if you have any of these signs;
- Irregular sleep patterns
- Erratic food consumption
- Little or no exercise
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Weight related problems
- Family history of diseases
Why Choose PH Diagnostics?
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